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Product Catalog

The meat and potatoes of any well stocked fly box. Streamers and Bucktails account for a lot of big fish in both fresh and saltwater. Mostly they represent small baitfish and young gamefish, but they can also imitate leeches and worms. Some are imitative of a particular species while others obviously don't look like anything natural, these are considered "attractor patterns" such as the Mickey Finn. It's a good idea to have some of both in your arsenal, they all represent something good to eat in the eyes of larger fish, and the bottom line is big fish eat little fish!
12 Compartment thin box
Andro Stone
Androscoggin Selection
Ausable Bomber Natural
Ausable Bomber Yellow
Ausable Bomber Orange
Ausable Bomber Brown
Ausable Wulff
Aziscohos Smelt (Chartreuse)
Aziscohos Smelt (Olive+White)
Aziscohos Smelt, Gray / Olive
Baby Dragon Orange
Baby Dragon Yellow
Baby Dragon Black
Baby Dragon Tan
Bead Head Prince Nymph
Bitch Creek
Black Beetle
Blacknose Dace
Blue ghost
Brown Owl
Brown Retriever
Bruces Old Standby ( B.O.S.)
Carpenter Ant
Cased Caddis Nymph (Gold)
Cased Caddis Nymph (silver)
Challenged pheasant Tail Emerger
Christmas Caddis
Copper Head
Cortland 444 clear intermediate line
Cortland 444 Full Sink line
Cortland 444 Sink Tip
Cortland Fly 444 SL Floating Line
Coyote , Orange
Coyote, Olive
Dans Brookie
Dans Dragon (Purple White)
Dans Dragon (Green+ White)
Dans Dragon (Red White)
Dans Dragon (Tan)
DansDragon (Black)
DansDragon (Black+Chartreuse)
DansDragon (Orange)
DansDragon (Yellow)
Daren Dick Special
Dark Cahill (Dry Fly)
Dark Cahill (Wet Fly)
Deer Hair Caddis
Deer Hair Hopper (Olive)
DeerHair Caddis (Yellow)
Double Humpy
FliCon Silicon Fly Box
Fly Rod Jig (Yellow)
Flying Ant
Foam Bass Bug (Black+Blue)
Foam Bass Bug (Green+ White)
Foam Bass Bug (Orange+White)
Foam Bass Bug (Yellow+Orange)
Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear
Golden Retriever
Gray Nymph
Gray Squirrel Nymph
grayghost streamer
Gumby Ant
H+F Hopper, Olive
H+F Hopper, Orange
H+F Cricket
Hand Tied Furled Leaders 7.5 ft with tippet
Hand Tied Furled Leaders, 8.5 ft with tippet
HMH Spartan Vise
Kennebago Bomber
LaPointes Stonefly
Light Cahill (Dry Fly)
Light Cahill (Wet Fly)
Little Brown Trout
Little Rainbow Trout
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup ( Brown )
Marabou Streamer
March Brown
March Brown Spider
Mickey Finn
Moby Dick
Mr. Rapidan
Muddler Minnow
Neon Beetle
Never Sink Caddis
Nothing Fancy Hopper, Olive
Nothing Fancy Hopper, Tan
Nothing Fancy Hopper, Yellow
Olive Caddis
Olive Retriever
Orange Wing Muddler
Parachute Adams
Partridge and Orange
Partridge and Yellow
Peacock and Grouse
Pheasant Tail
Phillips Brook
Pink Retriever
Red Fox Squirrel Nymph
Red Quill
Red+White Marabou
River Jack
River Jack Emerger
River Jack Wulff
Royal Wulff
Sheep Head (Black)
Sheep Head (Bubba Gum)
Sheep Head (Chartreuse)
Sheep Head (Olive+White)
Sheep Head (Purple)
Small stream Selection
Smallmouth Selection
Snow Shoe Ant
Snow Shoe Caddis
Streamer, Bucktail Selection
Tapered Nylon Leader
Ten compartment box
Turcks Tarantula
Two sided fly box
Umbagog Smelt
Warden's Worry
West Branch Bugger, (Chartruese)
West Branch Bugger, (White)
West Branch Bugger,(Black)
West Branch Bugger,(Yellow)
WISS Scissors
Wood Duck Heron
Wood Special
Woolly Bugger
Yellow Marabou
Brunette (Black+White)
Brunette (Chartreuse)
Brunette (Rainbow Smelt)
Brunette (Yellow+Red)
Clouser Deep Minnow (Chartreuse)
Clouser Deep Minnow (Orange+White)
Clouser Deep Minnow (Red+White)
Clouser Deep Minnow (Yellow+Red)
Good Fly Blue
good fly green
Hares Foot Emerger
Old Zeb